Chef randomguru
All Recipes and Posts by randomguru
Read This: If You Are Vegan and Still Have Cravings for Animal Foods
The whole meat & dairy industries, its brainwashing of generations of people beginning at kindergarten with the so-called 4 food groups, its propaganda machine, the whole culture of culinary, societal and peer pressures… they all factor into your craving for eggs and dairy…. more
Read moreBut Non-Vegans End Up Taking Supplements Too!
Non-vegans say that vegans need supplements because they are lacking in nutrients. and i say, when i wasn’t a vegan i was still taking supplements… Why? more
Read moreThe Dairy Industry is Fighting Back Against Milk Alternatives
There is a growing movement led by dairy lobbyists to ban alternative milk companies from using the word ‘milk’ for their products. Right away I’m thinking this violates 1st Ammendment rights to your freedom of speech. See Also: Cows vs. almonds: Nutty battle rages over the word ‘milk’ in labels ... more
Read moreMcDonald’s Continues Testing a Plant-Based Burger
No doubt, plant-based and vegan burgers are on the rise! Why? Because the common consensus is that red meat contains cholesterol and saturated fats that can cause hardening of the arteries and eventual arterial blockage. The evidence has been overwhelming and consistent throughout decades of research and scientific observation. Heart ... more
Read moreMagnum Ice Cream Bars Have Gone Vegan!
Remember the commercials where the attractive women were seductively eating a Magnum Ice Cream Bar? Well, the company that brought you the Magnum Ice Cream Bar has offered a couple of vegan/non-dairy versions. Hallelujah! Aldi is the big corporation that puts out the Magnum Bars, and we’re grateful that they ... more
Read moreThe 80/20 Whole Foods Vegan Diet
Why Focus on Whole Foods? Doing regular searches on Google, I came upon the above chart that focuses on 80% vegan whole foods and limiting processed vegan foods to no more than 20%. And it hit me… more
Read moreWhy Are My Cronometer Protein Stats In The Red?
The Protein Myth! Most of us grew up with the notion that, in order to get enough protein, we need to eat a steak, or some KFC, or some salmon. In other words, you had to get your protein from the animal kingdom! This is such a big myth… The ... more
Read moreHappy Healthy Vegan Debunks the Dangers of Bananas
I enjoy Happy Healthy Vegan’s YouTube channel… Ryan and Anji promote a vegan lifestyle with intelligence and calm resilience. I’ve been eating bananas for years on a daily basis, and my last wellness check and bloodwork proved that bananas are no danger to a person’s well being and health. It’s ... more
Read moreDoes Meat Cause Brain Damage?
There’s a growing amount of evidence that barbecued, fried and grilled meats might cause alzheimer’s disease and dementia in later years. Kerry McCarpet explores this possibility. more
Read moreIs Humanity Ready for Veganism?
Granted, if the overwhelming majority of the population are basically omnivores, then what are the chances of a bigger percentage of the population going vegan? What would be the reasons for going vegan for the rest of us? Given the fact that most of us were raised on meat, chicken, ... more
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