
Boosting My Energy Levels on a Hi-Carb, Lo-Fat Vegan Diet

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Lately, I’ve been experiencing higher energy levels.


I’ve been boosting my carbohydrate intake!

But I haven’t been eating junk calories. I’ve been getting starchy carbs from rice, potatoes, noodles and even popcorn!

It’s not so much an increase in calories overall. It’s just been an increase in my ratio of carbs to fat/protein.

The results of this change?

  1. I wake up early anyway, but lately I’ve been waking up more refreshed than usual and ready to take on the day.
  2. In the first hour or two after waking up, I feel like I have an abundance of energy. I don’t drink caffeinated coffee, but I do have my morning decaf soy mocha. One teaspoon of organic cocoa powder will have a little caffeine. About 4 mg. And theobromine is an alkaloid stimulant found in cocoa powder, but about 10% in one teaspoon shouldn’t be much.
  3. My energy levels are such that I’m doing much more per day… gardening, practicing piano, doing Yoga and Tai Chi about 2x a week each. Cooking a lot of cooking in the kitchen. Cleaning house and other chores and errands. I just feel really good throughout the day.
  4. My focus has improved and this goes hand-in-hand with my energy levels. I’m more on point and focused on the tasks at hand.

I’ll be documenting more of this high-carb, low-fat diet… as far as protein is concerned? If you eat enough carbs you will get the protein and amino acides found in plant foods.

I don’t eat as much nuts & seeds, but I do eating a 1:3 ratio of legumes to carbs. And a 1:3 ratio vegetables to carbs. I do eat a few meat alternatives like beyond meat, etc, but it’s small compared to the quality carbs I’m eating. And it’s just a small supplement to the overall diet.

More on this later…

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